Monday, June 25, 2012

The Birth Dance of Noah Calvin


1 Samuel 1:27- I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.

Birth is a dynamic, intricate, intimate, moving and flowing experience.  It is much like a dance because of the rhythmic motion and the requirement that partners work together with perfect timing and intricate steps.  And it requires one partner lead and the other follow.  When describing to Abigail, almost 3, how baby brother would come out into this world I told her that Mommy and baby brother would dance together to get him out. And that is what we did.  We had a calm, beautiful, peaceful dance.  I followed Noah Calvin and my body’s lead. Due to many factors such as my natural desire to be in control, my pride, my perfectionism tendencies, my lack of trust in the Creator’s amazing creation and many other things, it took practice and preparation of the mind and spirit in addition to the body.  

“I don’t feel a bit anxious about going into labor.  I can’t wait to see how this experience is going to unfold.  It’s like the moment already exists and I am just going to participate in it.”  -Author Unknown

The quote describes how I approached this birth.  It was a personal journey to come to the decision to have a home birth and I am so happy we did.  It was a calm, peaceful, joyous and dare I say easy birth.  I had more knowledge and insight into birth, my body and our baby. I learned how to train my mind to relax my body.  I trusted that my body and baby knew exactly what to do and I just needed to allow it to do so.  In a way I had to get out of the way so my body could birth.  To get out of the way I used Hypnobirthing, relaxation, positive mind affirmations and thoughts, massage and touch, an encouraging birth support team, the comfortable setting of our home, a tub of water and the most wonderful, supportive, loving husband as my birth partner.  And thank you to all those who were praying and sending positive thought our way. We had mama friends praying early in the afternoon and Park Lake PLOW friends praying while I was in the tub.

Here is how Noah Calvin’s story unfolds (with details of labor included):  
God had this planned.  As we tried to conceive starting in October 2010 we were almost to the point of stopping. But God’s timing is perfect and we conceived in early September 2011.  I had 8 sessions of acupuncture in  July-September and that seemed to help get my body back in gear and ready for pregnancy.  We found out in January 2012 it was to be a son.  What a blessing to be granted one of each gender.  We were thrilled. The pregnancy journey was certainly different this time due to the circumstances.  It was not easy as I was pretty sick in the beginning, I was transitioning Abigail from breastfeeding and the normal aches and exhaustion.  But with my wonderful husband Jeff we made it and made it mostly staying positive.  

We are very happy with the midwife choice and care we received.  Kaleen Richards, CNM, of Tree of Life Birth & Gynecology was wonderful to work with.  It was a more in charge and empowering experience for me than being with an Ob/Gyn.  And as it turns out, our doula with Abigail, Rhonda Huggins, worked in Kaleen's office.  Hmm- small world and God’s plan unfolding.  We were where we were supposed to be!

Somewhere around 32 weeks we think Noah Calvin settled into the head down position. When I was first internally checked at 37 weeks I was already dilated 2-3 cm but not much effaced.  We proceeded with life and care for mom & baby boy.  We did not check dilation every week but just let my body do what it needed. I trusted Noah and my body to do what it needed and they would know when to start.  

At the 39 weeks check things were about the same with a little progress to 3-4 cm.  At 40 weeks and 3 days at our 5 pm appointment we discussed moving things along and encouraging naturally.  Midwife gently swept membranes and said his head was fully engaged in my pelvis at zero station and head down and more effaced!  He was in position and she anticipated labor starting in next 24 hours or so.  Indeed, that evening I began to feel tightness and perceived some surges.  But they were very periodic and not at all uncomfortable.  The surges seemed to be about 20/30 min apart on and off throughout the evening.  We were able to get a decent night sleep.  Jeff stayed home from work.  I thought I might have lost mucous plug the next morning and began to have a little bit of bloody show.  

Wednesday morning I called Kaleen around 7 am to alert her things were happening. We’d touch base again when surges got more regular and closer together at about 7-10 minutes apart.  Jeff & I stayed active and got lots of last minute prep and cleaning done in house.  We really started timing surges around 11 am and surges were pretty consistent and about every 7 minutes and lasting about 60-70 seconds.  I could still walk, talk & carry on as normal.  The surges just felt like tightening.  We called Kaleen around 1 pm to let her know.  Since the surges were staying around 7 minutes she suggested I take a hot shower for 20 minutes to see what happens and call her back.  I did so and felt dizzy & lightheaded afterwards and the shower actually seemed to stall or stop surges for a while.  I rested and cooled off and things picked back up around 3:15pm.  Kaleen was in Winter Park at another birth and could come by to check after she was done.  Suggested stair walks & lunges.  I was thinking at this point that this was too easy and maybe I was not really in labor- could this be the Braxton Hicks or practice labor?  Jeff kept saying you’re just that relaxed!  

Kaleen arrived around 4 pm.  I had progressed to about 6 cm and 80-90% effaced.  So I was in active labor- huh?  Kaleen gave me some homeopathics to help things along and I took a walk with Kathy & Abigail for about 30 minutes.  Took homeopathics again at 4:15 and 4:30 at home for the last dose.  I hung out at home for a while talking & sitting on ball.  Things started to pick up a bit and surges were more intense.  I decided I wanted to walk again this time with Jeff.   Around 5 pm while Kaleen filled the tub we went outside.  We got across the street and I had the first surge outside.  I had to stop & lean & realized I did not want to go far or even be standing.  So we walked to side/back of house & watered garden.  We walked there a bit but surges were coming close together (2-4 minutes) and getting much stronger. I knew at this point that I wanted to be inside & in the tub!  We took a quick rinse off shower because I was so hot & sweaty. Mom stopped by in between surges with the shirts for our birth team.  I seemed fine to her she said later.  And I was fine.

Somewhere around 5:45 or so I got in the tub. It felt great!  Photographer Erin Miller arrived soon after. Kathy & Abigail came back with Chick- Fil-A Dinner for everyone and I was already in the tub.  Jeff fed me part of a chicken sandwich and some yummy yogurt parfait with strawberries & made sure I drank water.  He sat on ottoman next to me and I mostly remained on knees leaning forward.  It was the most comfortable and Jeff could whisper in my ear & hold my hands & stroke my arms and even press on my back during surges early on because that pressure felt really good then.

Kaleen called birth assistant Theresa to help out. Unfortunately, Maggie Mccarthy & Rhonda Huggins were both unavailable. I am thankful to have had Theresa helping out (and I'm sure Kaleen was too). This was Kaleen's 3rd birth of 4 in a 24 hour period. Midwives are awesome and dedicated!!!!!

There were some neat moments with Abigail while she sat and ate dinner looking at me in the tub.  I had to tell her there will be moments when mommy can’t respond to her but if you just wait I will.  She was curious about the tub but remembered me telling her that baby brother would be born in the tub.  Surprisingly she did not ask to get in with me.  It was wonderful to hold onto Jeff and look at Abigail and Kathy eating at the table during surges.   Abigail would come kiss me or reach out her hand to hold while we ate.  

At some point Abigail & Kathy went upstairs.  It was getting more intense and very rhythmic.  I remembered the bell curve & could really recognize the peaks.  I tried to stay ahead of the surges with my breathes.  It is so amazing that you can tell when they’re coming and prepare yourself.  

Kaleen asked me to turn over & we’ll check progress.  She said about 9.5 cm and ready to push if I wanted to I could try.  I stayed on the bench and tried a pushing surge on my back.  I’m not sure I was really quite ready to push.  The back position did not feel productive or as comfortable- I could not get enough “umph”.  So I went back to lean forward on the side of the tub & then I was ready to push & we were off.  I don’t know how many surges but out came the bag of waters and 3 minutes later he was born underneath me in the water at 7:50 pm.  It was intense and I was vocal. I felt I lost my cool but Jeff said I was loud but calm.  I know I started to scream a couple of times and Kaleen reminded me to vocalize low tones and I caught myself too and changed from scream to low vocalizations. It helped lots to do so!  I let my body tell me when to push and it did each time!  Evidently pushing was only 10 minutes and he was almost born “en caul”.  

My first statement after he flew out underneath me was “where did he go?”. It was really quite a comical statement given that he’s not going to get lost in the tub, Kaleen was right there to catch him and he was still attached to me!  He had a pretty short cord so maneuvering and keeping him out of the water was interesting/challenging.  

But then the moment we’d all been waiting for- I held our son in my arms.  He was calm, quiet & perfect!  We stroked & admired him while he lay on me and the cord was still pulsing.  Kaleen & Theresa commented on how pink and good his color was.   Jeff got to cut the cord with Kaleen’s help.  I delivered the placenta shortly after.  It was then dad’s turn to hold his son while I got out of the tub & into our own bed.  

What a gift & a blessing.  The birth dance was complete!  Noah Calvin danced into our arms and our lives forever.  Abigail got to come in & meet him & our journey as a family of four had begun! Stats are he was 8 pounds, 12 ounces and 20.5 inches long and head diameter of 13.75 and chest of 14.5.

Kathy recorded some neat statements that Abigail made as she heard me birthing and then heard baby brother.  Kathy reminded her that I was dancing with baby brother and that seemed to satisfy her as to what was going on! Very matter of fact-ly she said "that is mommy" when she heard me vocalizing. And when she heard baby brother cry for the first time, said "Noah's out" and smiled and mimicked his crying. After a few moments and listening to Noah she said "He's happy to be out with the family". And continued "he's out I hear him, I want to go see baby brother, daddy go see baby brother."  

Notes about the name Noah Calvin
In the womb we called him baby brother, Noah, Calvin, Buddy, little dude.  The first name, Noah, means peaceful, rest.  So appropriate for the way he entered the world.  I had a rainbow picture up with affirmations on the wall and used rainbow relaxation visualization scripts that Hypnobirthing provides to practice relaxing.  How appropriate that God’s promise to Noah in the Bible included a rainbow and water too!  

The most significant story behind his name involves  his sister Abigail.  Before we knew the gender, she told me his name was Noah.  I thought she was talking about her dolls. But she told me no and pointed to my belly and said baby’s name Noah.  From then on, everyone that asked me if we had a name, she told Noah before I could respond. There’s some special connection between Abigail & Noah.  And she included him in our “whole family” from then on.  

Dad chose the middle name Calvin partly because of John Calvin and Calvin & Hobbes. You may very well hear him call him Calvin too.  

It all came together for the perfect name for this peaceful, calm boy.  So far his temperament fits his name!  I think he’s our “go with the flow” child.  
Notes about Daddy Jeff- the best, most awesome pregnancy & labor partner

I love this man so much...for so many reasons.  And the true partner he was during pregnancy and labor and postpartum makes me love him even more.  When I was sick, he was there taking over.   When I needed to cry or talk about my fears, he was there. When I needed to prepare, he went to Hypnobirthing classes for 4 weeks and learned & took it seriously.   When I needed him to help keep me busy during early active labor, he was there.  When I needed him to stroke my back and put pressure during a surge, he was there.  When I needed him to hold my hands, he was there.  When I did not know what I needed, he whispered sweet nothings and somethings into my ear, he encouraged me, he reminded me of our son and that he was coming soon.  He held me almost the entire time during labor & birthing.  That was his labor of love for me & his son!  I am forever grateful to him for supporting, encouraging and helping me have my desired natural, home birth. What blessed children Noah and Abigail are to have a Daddy like him!
I share the birth story & pictures because pregnancy and birth have been an incredible experience. I have learned so much about a woman's body as the Creator designed it. God has an amazing blueprint for the creation of life. It is truly what we were designed to do and is an empowering and powerful experience.

It is common to all woman of any race, religion, eco-social status, etc. God designed our bodies to give birth without fighting our bodies but allowing birth to unfold naturally (for those women without risk or complications). This is what birth can look like when allowed to unfold naturally.

Birth is also personal and intimate. In these images you will see lots of skin, especially my belly with baby in utero and you will see my bare back (including my buttocks). We removed some additional shots so as to not offend and keep the sacred sanctity of marriage and the woman's body. I hope you will see these images for what they are; a beautiful and natural act of love; and not offensive.

Here is a link to the photos taken by professional photographer, Erin Miller. It is lengthy- there are 244 photos and the slideshow takes about 15 minutes to watch on fast speed. You can also pick and chose ones to view from the gallery.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Daily Blessings-Highlights from March-May 2012

May 23, 2012
I haven't blogged in quite a while...though there's been plenty to write about.  Just where is the time?  Daily I am being challenged as a person and wife and mother.  Daily I  am learning. Daily I am loving my God given role. Daily the new child within is growing and interacting and getting ready to make his transition into our arms!

Pregnancy with an almost 3 year old running around and growing has not been easy.  Especially as we near the time to meet our second little fellow, I find my energy and my body just can't manage as well.  I have tried to stay positive and know how important that is for this little one growing within and for Abigail & Jeff too!

Here are some of the highlights of Abigail's growth from March to now that I've wanted to blog about for a while. ....

I Love You Mommy- March 2012
Somewhere around March 13th, probably a Monday evening cause that's when Jeff is gone, I had the pleasure of putting Abigail to bed.  Jeff has been doing bedtime with Abigail since early on in this pregnancy because of weaning her and the difficulties I was having early on.  He has enjoyed his time with her in the evenings.  But Mondays are my night since he has Bible Study Fellowship. This night we did normal bedtime ritual stuff- pj's, teeth brushed, reading "lots and lots of books", cuddling, eating frozen grapes and singing and praying.  While cuddled up in my arms, she looks up at me and with the sweetest voice says "I love you Mommy".   This was a very special moment- not just the tenderness and unprompted-ness.  This was the first time she'd said the entire phrase to me and with such meaning.  she'd been saying "love you" with her arms across her chest hug/sign for love.  But this time was different and will be etched in my mind and heart forever!

Breasts Not Working- April 2012
I was in the bathtub with Abigail (34 months). She's been weaned for about 5-6 months. We've had conversations about her having "mommy milk" and who will have it next (Baby brother) and that is all baby brother will eat at first. She'd tried a couple of times early on to suck again but more playing or curiosity. She leaned in to me in the tub and put her mouth on my breast (but not really
sucking or trying) and said "not working mommy":)  I said nope- in a couple of weeks they'll be working again and we had the conversation about baby brother having mommy milk and talked about if she remembered having mommy milk- which she did. It was really nice!I love that she knows what breasts were created to do!
She also has a toy block with a picture of a baby bottle on it and I love that she does not associate it with formula or milk but calls it a water bottle.Can't wait to see what she'll do & say with baby brother drinking mommy milk.

Disappearing Belly Button- April 2, 2012
Abigail wanted to know where my belly button went. I told her it went away and would come back when baby brother comes out. She seemed satisfied with that answer. Then she checked her own belly button and it was there and she deduced that she has not baby brother (in her tummy). :)  And since then when she looks at my lack of a belly button she says "baby brother took it" and "it will be back".  

Being Silly-April 6, 2012
I have a silly, silly child! She asked me to come to her room. She wanted to show me that she emptied all her drawers out & put the clothes in her bed in a big pile. when I came in she laughed and said "being silly". HA!

Motor  & Jesus- April 27, 2012
A gust of wind scares Motor the cat & she runs off to hide. Abigail follows her saying 'don't be afraid Motor' to comfort her. Then when asked why she shouldn't be afraid, it's cause "Jesus is with her". Then she proceeded to explain to Motor in a loving, confident voice. Love the comforting & evangelizing to the cat!!!!

Dancing with Daddy- April 29, 2012
Abigail loves to dance around to music- by herself, with her animal friends, with scarves, with mommy  or daddy.  This Saturday morning, after breakfast she requested to dance with daddy.  Daddy has already blogged about these precious moments.  But here's my perspective.  As mom of this precious child and wife to this awesome husband, there is nothing in the world that warms my heart more and affirms what life is all about than to be a silent witness to these moments.  He put on a song they love to sing together and once she realized what is was- the smile on her face  was priceless, the head on his shoulder while singing "there 's a great big beautiful tomorrow" was beautiful.  They danced and cuddled and sang the entire 7 minute version.  Makes me know that there is a God, this love is what life is all about and we were meant to be parents at this time and place!  

Missed You Mom- early May 2012
We had Hynobirthing classes for four Saturday mornings in a row in April.  This meant that Abigail was with a grandma or aunt from about 8 am - 2pm.  She loved it but it became evident that she also recognized time away from mom and dad.  She said to me while putting her to bed soon after classes ended, "missed you Mommy" as she snuggled.  I knew exactly what she meant and I missed her too!  What a sweet girl.  

Big Girl Bed- May 12, 2012
I had wanted  her crib down for selfish reasons- like it hurt to lift her up & over with this other child in utero. I also thought maybe she'd be able to get up & entertain herself for a little bit once her brother arrived so I could stay flat, sleep and feed him.  Firs t night looked like she may not stay as Jeff posted a pic of her lying against her bed.  But she climbed in and slept all night.  And in the morning------- "wake up time Mommy".  She called and waited.  And that continued to happen until  this morning, May 23rd.  I think she's found her new freedom.   She is/was proud though being in a big girl bed- you can see it in her eyes and smile when she says "big girl bed" to others!  A ritual of growing up (sniff, sniff).  Naptimes have been challenging and we've had some funny playtimes and ointment placed all over animals and room cause she got out of bed and played.  But overall, the transition as been good. 

Operation Apple Removal- May 15, 2012
Yes-she put  a piece of apple up her nose.  And I could not convince her to stay still enough to get it out with tweezers nor hold her down and do it or blow it out.  But thankfully, when daddy got home, a couple of blows and it came out!  Doctor trip averted!  Yikes- scary to think what might be next- in nose or ear or mouth?!

Mommy's Shirt- May 18, 2012
Abigail to me today: mommy's shirt does not fit, Abigail will go get another (and off to my room she goes) ! I was wearing an around the house tank & yes my belly is now too big for it !:)  Yes- it's about that time at almost 40 weeks--- to meet our second precious blessing!

Abigail the Big Sister- new role coming any day
I cannot wait for the memories to be made as this new little guy joins our  family.   It has been wonderful to watch Abigail interact and grow to understand what my growing belly means.  She has talked, read to, sung to, caressed, hugged and interacted with her brother in my belly a lot.  He will know her voice!  She has planned out what she can do with him- read to him, sing, pray, puppet shows, and more.  She talks about how she can help- diapers, food, etc.  And what I really love is she includes him, the yet unseen baby brother, every time she talks about the "whole family".  This child is going to be loved and smothered with helpfulness by his compassionate, kind and wonderful big sister!!!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Quiet, Beautiful Moments

There are many moments that fly by as a parent- some precious & sweet & some very difficult & challenging and not so sweet.  Just wanted to record some sweet, precious ones from this morning.........

Yesterday was a long & fun filled day at a packed Legoland Florida park.  It was fun & exhausting.  Abigail had no nap & fell asleep uncomfortably on the car ride home & was upset by our transition to her room.  Unusual was the night cause it was late & out of routine (we left her in her dirty all day park clothes).  And she was a little congested with runny nose & new dose of antibiotics.  With her day before festivities she slept in till about 8 am (again unsual).

Her first sounds are often "Mommy-ia" rather assertively & say I'm up & ready for you to come in here.  However, this morning it was different.....nice, babbling, talking sweet sounds of her talking about who knows what......her fun the day before, her dreams........then I heard groggily "mommy bells please".  This is usually her request right before going to sleep to turn the bell sounds on the sound machine (she prefers bells playing to ocean sounds).  So I went in there quietly and turned on the bells and she sweetly said "Mommy sit down on beany".  Translation= sit down on bean bags next to bed so I can see you & be near you.  Then she said sweetly "hold hands".  And we did for a good few quiet moments of just laying there holding hands.  It was so wonderful. I loved the way she gently held my hand & was comfortable & quiet.

When it was time to sit up she did and said "wake up" and then stood up and promptly said "see Daddy.......Daddy's home....... YEAH" with a BIG clap & smile.  She was so excited cause she loves spending time with her daddy and thought maybe today was another fun day with him like yesterday!  Ahhh.... melted my heart.  I did not respond with Dad's at work but just let her enjoy her excitement.  She & I are so blessed to have such a wonderful husband/daddy.

These are beautiful, quiet moments to cherish!!!  As they do go by fast.  I thank my Creator, the Creator of life & this beautiful child's life.  For she is a joy & a light in my life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ready For A New Day

Not one of my stellar days!  I don't like it when I let frustration, stress, etc. get the best of me & allow complaining, negativity and inconsiderate selfishness to overtake me.  Then those closest to me get the ugly side of me.  I am so exhausted and overwhelmed- there seems to be a lot to do and I'm not doing very well at prioritizing and getting done the important things like studying God's word, praying, spending time with people I love, building up & encouraging others.

But I am so thankful that I hear the sounds of a happy child playing in the bath tub with her Daddy.  I am so thankful despite my failings that I am forgiven and have a Savior.  I am so thankful that tomorrow is a new day.  I am so thankful that I have a wonderful husband that is committed and loves me despite these days when I treat him so poorly.

So may the darkness of this day fade with the night and may the morning bring another chance to start all over again and live differently in the light.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Introducing Lite of Dawn- The Blog

Huh?  I created a blog.  Have no idea how often or what I'll write and don't feel like I'm that great of a writer.  I  think it will be more like random thoughts on a subject or subjects.  But here it is..........

I feel like the last one on the planet to create a blog.  I remember several years ago when my sweet husband first said the word "blog" to me. I had no idea what he was talking about!!!

Lite of Dawn - I use it for my email address & now this blog title.  I used to sign my work emails "Let your light shine".  I first used "liteofdawn" when I was selling candles.  And hey, my name means "sunrise, daybreak".

Something about lite/ light that I think is important.  I think we all have light to shine into the dark places in this world.  I think the Creator asks us to share that light with others.  There is something magnificent about the sunrise & start of the day. It's my favorite time of day- a refreshing chance to start again & leave all of yesterday's troubles behind.  Have you ever experienced the beauty of a sunrise up in the mountains?  WOW- God has a wonderful paintbrush & he paints for us beautiful scenes every day if we would just open our eyes & look around!

A little about me--I've been married to my best friend and love of my life for 16 years now .  We're both Floridians, Orlando-ans too.  We have been blessed with a beautiful 29 month old daughter and another child on the way in May/June 2012.  I love the Lord and desire to learn more about Him  & seek to serve & obey Him through His Word.  I desire to be a godly wife & mother.  If you do the math, we were married for 14 years before having a child.  We spent a lot of this time traveling to amusement parks & riding roller coasters! I worked full time at Rollins College for nearly 13 years in Human Resources.  Now I am a professional wife & mother & LOVE IT!!!!   I will share stories of this newer life on this blog as well as reflect on years past.

So I hope you learn a little about my life from this blog and I hope you are encouraged to find your light & let it shine!